"But then there's the fishin' tourny Ali had. Folks down at the river droppin' lines to see who could catch the biggest fish. The huntin's been good too.... Had a few good deals for venison. At least it keeps the rest of the folks workin' for AT&S paid. Some of em I sent out to do a salvage haul way out in orbit around one of the planets. The government there offered good pay to clean up a recent collision. Not bad." The ship was green for lift.
"Then there was all the stuff goin' on for Christmas and all. Gift exchange, big old meal, Visitors comin' to wish folks a good New Year...... Then somethin' happened just after the big day...... Was wanderin' the mall and saw one of the angel decorations torn up. Wings pulled off and shredded fabric. But that was only the start of it......" Called the tower for clearance and left for the cargo delivery..... Easy 'nough......"A few days later found a couple of the trees what were on the roof of the mall tossed to the ground.... Decorations and all. Seems someone was takin' down stuff without carin' how it's done....."
The flight'd take a few days. No worries there. An easy haul then back to the office....."Then I get a call from a resident sayin' they could see a fire near the mall...... When I got there, the great big tree what was set up was on fire. But not just that one.. The last of the trees that were decrated were too. Everythin' was goin' up in a blaze of glory..... Nothin' was left by the time me and some of the others got the fires out. Inside the mall it was pretty bad too. All the decorations were destroyed..... The stuff in the chapel were torn down... the alter was overturned..... Some of the homes what had decorations got vandalized too.... Who'd do somethin' like that?"

"Still tryin' to find out who all did it..... Then I get a morse code message from AuroraBlue.... Part of why all I'm out doin' this run.... Gonna take a side trip to meet up with her. Find out the details of what she needs..." Some of the ships systems weren't doin' so well.... Time to get stuff to fix it... Just shiny..... More stuff to fix to keep the ships up and running.... "Have to find the person who ruined decorations and such.... Why all can't Bram do it..... But then he's been busy with another case... And Nick ain't been 'round.... Our newest lawman.... It's like all hell broke loose..... One fire after 'nother to put out.... If it ain't a physical one.... its someone havin' their personal problems spill over..... Yep....was right 'bout stuff goin' up in a blaze of glory.... Looks pretty to watch.. but it's hell to clean up."
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