Try to move... somethin's got hold.... someone? "That's when I saw her..... AuroraBlue.... Pretty as ever..... even with the dirt..... Got to wok out how to get her to wash..... Don't want to scare her..... I love her. She's my gravity..... Holdin' me strong. We, well..... me.... talked. Even offered Monster for her to get 'round in.... Not wantin' her to get in trouble for hyjackin' someone's ship."
Somethin' pokin' at me..... Irritatin'..... Aiya, stop it..... Feelin' hard to breathe.....
Somewhere in front of me is light..... Settin' sparks off in my eyes..... Try to reach for it...."She headed for the landin' zone..... Then she was away...... Took Jai's shuttle back to Hale's. Then all hell broke loose....... Shootin'! Saw someone get hit and fall nearby then felt a slug strike my body armor..... Grabbed the woman and ducked b'hind a buildin'...... She was ok... Just grazed..... Decided to find out who was shootin'..... Didn't take long.... Was on the roof of the CNS buildin'. Made my way there but couldn't get to the roof...... Figured a couple of us could hop onto the roof and get the drop on em. Jet and one of his crew jumped into the mule....." Can feel pain somewhere in me..... Where..... Gorram.... who's messin'... Was fine..... "We jumped to the roof and everythin' went bad. The mule exploded..... gunfire and Tillery bein' held..... Said he got hit with an EMP....."
"He said it knocked out his 'lectronics that helped him walk..... Gorram body armor... Got to find a way to stop point blank shots..... I tried to cover him usin' my own self as a shield til we could get away..... Then a ship started shootin' at the bad guys.... Got Tillery safe and down to the clinic. Got my own self holed in the shootout. Gorram...... Fixed my own self as best I could then went to the Tower......" Can't breathe... Losin' atmo? whats goin' on.... can't wake up.....
"Am I dreamin' it all? No..... Not dreamin'... Can't be.... I know what all was happenin'.... 'cept today..... Dav came to check on me..... Gave me some pain meds too.... Not sure what happened after that... been out of it...... Dreamed of AuroraBlue in the black...... She was with a few folks.... I think Seana was there, but not sure...... GORRAM! whats happenin'..... " The light was startin' to move closer.... "Can feel somethin' stabbin' at me..... Makin' me a might angered...... Someone come up into the tower.... Stranger...... Tryin' to gas me.... WHO..... ? Where'd Dav go.... Was here not that long ago....." Tryin' to fight the feelin' somethin's goin' on 'round me. Cold, pain..... Light....
Can't move.... Strugglin' but can't do nothin'.... Blue? You there? "That stranger.... Grabbed me... Gassed me!...... Says he wanted Dav........ Says he's a murderer..... We all done stuff.... Aiya! Can't catch my breath... Got to fix that leak..... He done stuff...... Slammed his elbow into my side then stuck somethin' into my wound...... Couldn't fight it.... Got punched a couple times....... Not sure what happened...... Felt somethin' give...... Can't breathe..... Wait..... he done somethin'..... Waved the whole thin'...... R'member a cam in the room...... Operatin' room...... The smell..... all over clean with chemicals...... Blue... Blue seen it all..... Means Lily did..... And.... Aiya... AuroraBlue..... Don't want her to feel this..... Got to get away..... make the pain stop....."

Can see the light movin' faster.... Comin' to me? Or me to it..... Ain't sure.... "Don't know if I'm alive or dead..... somewhere in b'tween.... Dav... Needs to hole up and hide..... Someone has to come...... stop this insane feller...... Gorram tortured me..... Who else.... who's goin' to be his next victim? Wasn't goin' to give in to his games.... Not wantin' to tell him 'bout AuroraBlue.... Don't want her hurt...... Someone'll end him..... I got my bets hedged on it..... If I'm even alive...." My body's feelin' pained and on fire all over now.... "m I goin' to hell? Or is the light my salvation... Or'm I stuck b'tween...... Lost......God help me to try and hang on.....
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