Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Got Good News and Bad News...

     "Seems the moon here's better then anyone expected.... Could smell it in the air. Folks're settlin' on the ground. Someone even built a small ranch house and started up a garden.Hell, they even got bees to do the pollinatin'." Not much else to think on at the mo.... 'cept bein' scanned.... Again. "They had some livestock shipped down. Not a bad start."

   "When I had the chance, headed to Al Raqis. Wanted to make sure AuroraBlue was ok. Xoxo's been goin' nuts tryin' to get her back. Hell, even saw Seana come all the way out to Wadi Emit to talk with the Lady Rashad there. Seana was there for the same reason... That's when AuroraBlue came downstairs to visit. She was lookin' good, but still needed a bath." Don't like the idea of bein' given tea with spice in it. All I need is to be hooked on that stuff. "Rashad said AororaBlue could stay as long as she liked. S'pose it's ok at the time.... Not sure now..."

     "Got some good news.... Took some doin' but finally got hold of that Krakken feller. The one from Lily's datapad. He showed up at the station. Brought him down to see what all he could do for Lily. One thin' I know. Can't wake her again my own self. That's somethin' someone else had to do. And since the loss of a good friend, the only choice was this feller, Krakken. So now she wakes up and imprints on him. Not sure what all to expect. She wants another cub. Don't know what all to think on that. Thought AuroraBlue was the one to bring it all together." Had to shrug. Not sure if its a good idea or not. Want Lily to be happy.... but then what?....

    "So now she's runnin' 'round with Krakken. And Xoxo's been puttin' me to work. Not haulin' stuff.... Hell no. Buildin' and movin' stuff. Been havin' to do cargo hauls for her too. it pays the costs for runnin' the ATS office and payin' pilots to keep workin'." Still don't like bein' in a clinic... But gotta stay. Can't b'leive I got shipped here in a gorram stasis box. Doc Nat had to send here.... "When I had the chance, slipped off to do a little side run. A friend wanted some of that quality hooch. Said he'd pay good money for it. Been a while since I did an illegal run. But the money was good. So took a flight to Al Raqis and snuck in through the automated shuttle Jai had. Only way to bypass highport and the gorram blockade they had. Was hopin' to see AuroraBlue too..... " Good thin' I didn't now. She'd be sick too now.

     Aiya, this ain't good. Some virus, both docs said. All for a fever and some weird rash I got. hell if I know how exact I caught it. Seems some woman comin' out of the other clinic stopped and talked to me. She mighta been the one who's spreadin' it. Least that's what the Al Raqis doc thinks.... "Hope they can find the cure quick.... "Problem is, I been to a few other places now, talked with a couple folks, and all the time bein' sick not knowin' I was. First place was the BlueSun compound on Washburne. Had to drop of that load of seats and office supplies.

    "Then had to hop on over to Paquin to drop off a couple boxes of stuff for Xoxo's office there. Stopped at CATZ to see if Jai was in. Was gonna see if she had any cargo to go back to Dragon's Egg. She wasn't in so decided to head on home." Good thing. Jai's been bein' cautious 'bout this virus stuff. Smart woman..... "Gettin' back to D.E. was easy 'nough. Did a refuel then took the shuttle down to the surface. A few came 'round while I was workin'.... Hope they're ok. Don't want anyone catchin' this virus.... or plaque, or what all they're callin' it now..... Mutated, the doc said. That I do know..... Its changed..."

     "Got told it could be cause of my eyes.... Ok.. So at one time I was blinded... The 'liance fixed em up.. regenned em, but now I see in the dark like it was daylight... And daylight blinds me... Hell, least I can see... Lessen the virus makes me go blind... Jai said somethin' to that when she commed me... Doc Nat had me do down and wait for her in the clinic.... Then her and Jai show up in suits. Yeah... I know... To keep em from gettin' what all I got. They end up knockin' me out and puttin' me a stasis box to send me to the Al Raqis medcenter. Seems a doc there's workin' on stoppin' this here virus.... or viruses.... Doc said there were a few runnin' rampant here......" 

     "Now its a waitin' game. They gotta go get Lily... and AuroraBlue to check me for this here virus too. Lily I been 'round of late.... AuroraBlue? I ain't been near her in a few weeks. So she aughta be safe.... They think cause she's been in highport she coulda come down with it too. Hope not.... She don't need to be sick with this here thin' too. Just gotta hope they're both cleared."

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