Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snow and Ice

Tossed another dried out log onto the fire... Good to know there're trees on this moon. "Its warmer in here now, Lily." Lookin' over at the still form on my cot. She ain't moved for a while now. "I'll get more wood in a spell. How 'bout I tell you what all I seen.... When I come down in the shuttle that first day we got here.. Wasn't sure what all to make of it. Looked like all snow and ice. Was snowin' even when I come down into atmo. Could see mountains and water... Lots of water, Lily. No more dry and dusty air. Wonder if its salty water. Some might be... But I figure some ain't. Like run off if the weather warms up."

"I figure we wait it out 'til then. Had to take you outa that tent. You ain't tame... Don't need to be in a gorram stale aired box. Why I carried you out. So you can feel the cold fresh air. Real atmo. This way when you wake, all you gotta do is leave the cave and roam the area...." Sighin', I looked over at her. The only thin' left of what it was to be a family.... Everythin' else was gone.... Everythin'...

"When I got you to ground, went out huntin'. Plenty of wildlife out here... You'd like it. Herds of antelope, birds, even predators... I seen wolves out on the snows.... Could smell somethin' else too... Big cats.... I know.. Not a cat.... But these felines ain't small... not by the scent. Ain't seen it yet. This here's a wild place. Somewhere to get lost in..... Might go do that when you wake up... Lessin' you want to end me.... And that's fine too.... Nothin' left to worry on..." Planned on goin' out to track the wolves again. Might need to get more meat b'fore the storm hits.

"Oh.... Seen some big bugs.... Out in the gorram snow. Ain't sure what all spiders were doin' out in the cold. Wasn't sure what all was goin' on when I run into some spun stuff laid out on the ground way out in the mountains... Grabbed some to see if Xoxo can find out what all it was. "Til I spotted a couple of them bugs. Busy weavin' webs in the snow. And they weren't small neither.... Aiya, the were big. 'Bout the size of a duster." Held my arms out to show her. Maybe she can see me, Maybe not.

"Yesterday I heard the ship comin' in.... Was Elix and Jet. Come close to where the cave was. Didn't want em to find where we're holed up, so went out to see em. They were talkin' bout some stuff.... Didn't much pay attention to it. Had a few tour runs to do too....."

Pokin' at the fire, Sparks flew up.. remindin' me of the fires that ended everythin'..... When my gravity... my sun..... my orbit..... disappeared....."Took Xoxo down here. Told her to watch her own self... But you know how she can be... How stubborn.... She took a four wheeler out and ended up fallin' through the ice. Had to go save her from drownin' and freezin' to death. Ended up callin' the 'liance to take her to their ship to warm her up." Pickin' up the shell AuroraBlue'd given me back on Paquin...... Chest was startin' to ache. Like it was gonna cave in.... Was I turnin' into a black hole? Devourin' myself..... Did it matter now? "I went back.. Pushed the ship hard to get there.... Wasn't fast 'nough....... Its crumbled.... Hale's. Bits were floatin'..... But that's all.... It was like my brain shut down. Was runnin' on auto pilot....." Touched the pic of her on the datapad.... Wanted to be ended with her.... AuroroaBlue. Closed my eyes tryin' not to feel the sting...."I tried Lily... I went and flew through the debris 'til the engines overheated from the dust in the intakes..... Was like a ship without a pilot.... just floated there.... Then I wake up in some gorram tent."

"You can end me when you wake up. It don't matter now. I can't see strait. Can't think strait.... Keep dreamin' of her. Like she's touchin' my face or my hand... Then I wake.. and nothin'..... Can't tell if its a nightmare or not.... I see Blue in it too.... Like he's coverin' her over like a blanket. Hell, maybe my brainpan is humped." What all'm I s'posed to do. Try to wake Lily up.. Try to find whats lost.... Try to finally end........

"When you wake, that'll be good. Then You can be free and wild like your s'posed to. This place is where you can do that. May be more snow comin'.... But the weather'll change... You'll see. Warm, with fresh water and herds of animals to hunt..... It'll be a good home. When the snow and ice melts... You'll see...."

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