Friday, February 5, 2010

A Flower named Liy

I leaned back against the cargo container, lookin’ at the huge pile of sand….. gorram sand…..” Couple days back… things were different. I just got back from one salvage job, was getting’ ready for the next. Decided to go to the dancehall, see who all was there. I was hopin’ Brooke was there so I could tell her the second container was ready for bein’ sold. I saw…..Lily…. All dressed pretty….. Hid her ears… Cause someone said somethin’ unkind.”

Ran a shakin’ hand over my face. It hurt to think right now….”We danced close…. Smell of her her scented hair…. I love her. She said she wanted to sleep with me in the new ship I got fixed up…… She climbed into the top bunk…. Said it’d be like a sleep over… She asked if I was goin’ to sleep in the lower bunk….Yeah, I was. I got a lot of respect for her. Always will.” My head was startin’ to hurt bad…. Another migraine…. Ain’t had one in a real long time….

Closin’ my eyes, I couldn’t stop the pain…. In my head……. or my heart. “Next day, was work…. Sorting more salvage b’fore I headed out….. Heard Brooke and Dex’s shuttle comin’ in, so I went to talk to em… Got to see the new K18 security system. Bot dog….. But somethin’ more….Then Lily come back…..She was real upset ‘bout somethin’…….That’s when the ‘verse started to collide for us……” Time… runnin’ out like sand blowin’ in the wind….

Jai was there and saw…… Saw her just layin’ there on the floor…….”Lily said a jar with a brain got stole….. Was Aurora’s……It was taken from Lab 81…..,” Time was slim….. Lily…… “We tried talkin’ to that gorram bot what was in the offices… was ‘bout as useful as headache….” Like the one splittin’ my brainpan…”Then there was Blue. He was tellin’ us what to do… He wanted the brain…. Keep it away from Mister Krenshar at all costs or something worse then b’fore was goin’ to be made….. Had to find who stole it first…. Turned out to be Mercedes…… Jai nearly got ended by Lily.. She was so angered…….Then there was somethin’ that Jai said. Somethin’ ‘bout Mercedes sendin’ it somewhere… We had to track it down…. Or grab it b’fore Krenshar could do anythin’ with it.”

“Talked to Vegas… Said he’d help us….. At that time we had a day and a half……Then Blue started testin’ Lily and me…….’lectrified fences… Gorram…..We found AuroraBlue’s book sittin’ on one of the rooms. Thoth, Miya, Vegas, Lily, and I looked at the story book on the table where AuroraBlue’s picture lay on one page. There was Lily’s little book filled with Sanskrit too. I only seen a pic of it durin’ a cortex tour my Ma showed us durin’ schoolin’. It was a copy… I closed it and gave it to her anyway. Seems the page had a bunch to say on it…. Rememberin’ the words was too easy now…. Repeatin’ em…. Burnin’ behind my eyelids….’Chosen one. Creation. All part of the plan. Perfect….. and she gave up her life for the flower….and he placed the coin in his mouth and transferred the images to the woman….. the flower bloomed….. Chosen one.’”

Didn’t know how much longer I could hold out…. Shakin’, feelin’ sick….Pain……”BerryBell said Thoth would bring live to AuroraBlue….Yeah….. found out it was the book. Miya got real riled over it. Thoth said somethin’ ‘bout a contract for Krenshar.… Another confusin’ problem..… Then we’re back jumpin’ through hoops with Blue… He’s playin’ games with us…….Lily went to the power plant below the replicant order lab…. I found her sleepin’? In the core….. I went in after her…… Lily didn’t know how she got there…… For a mo…. Just a mo.. I thought I heard Blue…… Commentin’…..Then we find out Gallagher ain’t him…… It’s that gorram diesel bot…. Says he killed Gallagher….. Lily went crazy….. She just attacked everyone…..The bot, after a while decided to leave some orange sand, an apple and Gallagher’s Dharma keyring…… It hurt… Gallagher was a real friend of mine. Lily loved him……Bot said he was in pieces…..”

The migraine was startin’ to blind me…… I wanted to heave….time was shiftin’ out of control….”Me and ….Lily….we went to tell Seana…. But the mayor wasn’t in……..Then Lily collapsed…..then she… she shut down….. She gave up….. Took her to the Blue Sun compound…..Blue told me bring her inside…..Not much else I could do…..Blue told me he wanted Kitten….Was it another test?” I couldn’t see strait…Had to talk to Seana. She needed to know. “I heard Blue say something… ‘Rest Lily, AuroraBlue….Very soon now. Not sure what all it meant….Just needed to tell someone…. Had to….In case I failed the test…. I saw the not-Gallagher…..Told him he caused Lily’s shutdown….Mad? I’m full of grief and gorram mad!” Walkin’ to The Mayor’s office didn’t cool me down….It followed me….The pain and the bot……

“Seana, she knew somethin’ happened……I guess I showed it pretty well…. And the gorram bot.. Parody of my friend….. Walked in b’hind me…… The mayor was pretty gorram mad too… She wanted to talk to Xoxo… and Blue….. Said she wasn’t goin’ to Lose Lily either…..Don’t know what’s goin’ to come of it….Just don’t know…… Lily….I love her……” I kissed her, lay her gently on the floor and left her with Blue….

((OOC: If you weren’t there or seen the folks here in this Blog, you can’t use it… Sorry… You got to find us to get the IC story. ))

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