Saturday, July 30, 2011

From The Fryin' Pan.....

"When you get lucky, you go for it. Wasn't much work of late, but this here job pretty much fell into my lap... Was talkin' to Jai a few weeks back on Al Raqis. Was hopin' for some work from her. Most times she can help out when the work slows on Hale's." Openin' the hatch on the shuttle sent the rotten smellin' air inside. 'Nother batch of miners needin' a ride up, "While we got to talkin' Jo Massenberg showed up. Was needin' to lose some cargo she.... Aquired. Jai said she'd take it all, so I offered to take some off Jai's hands to take to a couple places what could use good liquor. With the deal done, all I had to do was wait for it to come to the docks. Easy 'nough. Went back to the station to fetch the Phoenix and load up. So back to the dry hot world... Again."

The ground shifted again as the miners and their families loaded in. Some covered in ash. "Laodin' the cargo was easy 'nough. Even has space for Jai's stasis freezers. She likes her fish fresh. Locked down the cargo then set 'bout leavin' the desert world for cooler climates", Thinkin' on that, had to groan lookin' out the forward viewport. "Out of the fryin' pan.... Hell you could fry an egg on the deck platin' just inside the ship."

"The trip was pretty much uneventful... for the most part. Made a stop off to get a few hands to help offload the cargo. Found a few willin' folk who needed the coin. Next stop, Colchester. Mikie was there to help us bring the cargo up to the bar. Once we got the stuff unloaded we took a few to swap some news then had to go get a few papers from the clinic there. No one was 'round.... so sorta took the papers needed to move the stuff I had without folks nosin' in Jai's business." Took a mo to make sure folks were strapped in. The ride was startin' to get a little choppy with the hot updrafts.

"Don't know.... When I got back to Hale's with the cargo for Jai... The air smelled a little off. Even the ground felt a little.... Different. Just somethin' I couldn't put a finger to. That night was havin' some pretty strange dreams... or nightmares. Coulda been AuroraBlue tryin' to tell me somethin' was goin' to happen or was happenin'." Cyclin' up the engines, the shuttle chuffed a mite... Gorram engine intakes startin' to clog with the stuff in the air. "Didn't help with reaver activity. Yeah, had a couple of em land and attack folks. Hell, one of em took the Phoenix b'fore I could shoot him. They were gettin' a mite bold now. Lily helped track the ship down and get it back b'fore they started to chop into the Phoenix." The ride was bouncin' folks 'til we left atmo. Lookin' out you could see the fires. "Takin' ships, huntin' folk.... Looks like they were regroupin'. I saw me a ship come outa atmo. Big one too. I guess a few folks saw it on the ground. The doc even made comment on seein' it landed. She even cussed to make a point of it...."

"After we got the ship back, had to head for the cargo stores to see what all mighta been rifled through by the reavers. They'd take anythin' they could use for weapons, or ship repairs... if you can call it repairs.... They didn't touch the cargo containers. Not like em to grab and run." The flyin' back and forth were startin' to blur into a routine. Drop and go back.... "On the way back from a small salvage run, the radio starts to squakin' 'bout tremors and such on Hale's... That's a first.... Landin' left me a mite surprised... Comin' home to not just tremors.... But gorram fires.... and lava flows in town.... Even Fooks wasn't untouched..."

"Seein' the town like this sorta brought up memories of MacLarens Drift's Prosperity in flames... Shadow..... and Blackburne. It wasn't just in one part of town.... It was goin' on everywhere. Ain't ever been this close to volcano.... Hell I ain't even seen a real volcano! Seems fire's been a good way of takin' everythin' you have and scatterin' it to the wind. My ma used to say somethin' like....'teaches us humility' and 'helpin' those who got nothin'. You don't learn that 'til you lose what all you got. Then you can say you understand the other feller." Dockin' at the station was easy 'nough.. Offloadin' this bunch was slow. Some elders were needin' the extra hand to get inside after the rough ride.

The ride back was no cake walk. Had to find a safe place to land the shuttle... what wasn't on fire or too uneven, "Volunteered to shuttle folks to the Blue Sun station in orbit. The thing was hauled in by super tugs and stuck in geo-sinc. Seems Xoxo's got a soft spot in her armor... She was offerin' the place as a refuge while stuff was goin' on the ground. Seana had sent out a message to folks to be ready in case it got worse.... Got a feelin' this ain't the worst of it yet. By nightfall the place was lit by fires in half the businesses and a couple homes.

"When there was no one 'round the evac area, I decided to check on places... See if folks were ok or needed help. One feller was sorta 'shell shocked'. Had to guide him to the shuttle and strap him in. Then saw Xoxo, Nick, and Gwen. Seems Nick got himself hurt. Got him to the shuttle then headed to the station so he could get some help. Doc wasn't 'round. Had to put a call in to see if one was available somewhere." The ground was off and on shakin'.. not bad.. but 'nough to feel it through your boots. "Took a look see at the hangar. One big old volcano was just settin' almost on the doorstep....smokin'.... The inside of the hangar was a mess. Took a few to grab what tools and equipment wasn't busted. Most like would need the stuff b'fore long."

"More folks started to wander in. Some covered in dirty of ash.... Some just lookin' scared. Went to check see if G was 'round. He wasn't in the Hanso office so checked the sheriff's office. Nada. he musta evacced in his ship already. Xoxo was lookin' for Catherine but no one's seen her for weeks now. AuroraBlue was 'round.... But stayin' outa reach. She was ok. That much I knew for sure. She was lettin' me know she was."

The streets were bein' lit more now by fires then lightin'. Aiya...."Talked to Seana on the folks that got lifted. Her and Xoxo were talkin' on stuff. Told em to get packed if thats what they were doin'. No sense in waitin' 'til the last mo. Hell, its a good way to get your own self ended. Xoxo went to finish what all she was takin' with her. Seana stayed for a few to talk with me on what all was goin' on b'fore she headed to finish what all she needed to do. Dav showed up with a few folks for transportin' up. Xoxo'd let us know 'bout the animals...... Livestock. Called on a few of the crew to help load em and move em in the Monster."

Somewhere down under our feet, the dragon was movin'...... Belchin' fire and growlin'. My dragon's down there. I know..... "Once everyone was in for this next trip, I cycled the engines. The heated air wasn't helpin' with the ride. Didn't help much lookin' down on Hale's Moon.... Lit by the volcanic activity and fires. The smoke and ash in the air was makin' ground visibility bad. What all was gonna happen next is anyone's guess....... Could almost say.... From the fryin' pan into the fire...."

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Heat's On....

"Lookin' out 'cross the desert watchin' the shiftin' of the sand outside the window. You can see the heat waves comin' up from the hot sands. Nice to watch but not right now. Lost my gorram shades out there somewhere when I got my own self attacked last night. Seems someones got sentinels out there by some of the big houses." Shiftin' from foot to foot, was startin' to feel a little caged inside. "Seems there's always somethin' goin' on... Like Catherine gettin' her own self into trouble.... Which got us both into a bad situation... She went down into the mines. Not sure how she got down in there. Was sealed off by Lily for some reason. First time I hear of her bein' down there, she's askin' for help. Lily wasn't 'round so I went on down there through a hole.... Not sayin' where all it was. No one aughta go in there", sighin' decided to go down into the sittin' room to wait and see what they needed me to do.

"Got down in the there and scouted 'round for a few hours. Checkin' a couple of places she might be... Nada. Then I find this here place. Looks like a bunch of traps and hidden mines all over the place. Somethin' Lily might do. I skirted round the place to find a way inside. I could scent Catherine was nearby. Findin' a spot to squeeze through was easier then I thought..... Until I got hit with the dizziness and nausea."

Found an openin' in the buildin'....

"Spotted her as I was movin' back out of range of that feelin'.... Had to think fast. If what I was beginnin' to think happened, then Catherine didn't have much time. Took off the climbin' rope I hasd with me and pulled a grapple from my work belt. Tied it off and went 'Cat fishin'...." Had to groan at my own joke, 'cept it wasn't funny. "Tried twice b'fore snaggin' her jacket hood. Pullin' her back out of there wasn't so easy. Had to get her 'round all the junk down there. By this time I could feel the waves of nausea..... Knew what all was down there that was makin' me sick.... Radiation dose. Pretty high one too." Couldn't set still for long. Got up and paced.

"Had to get a call out for help. Aroha heard me and met us outside at the edge of the wastes. We needed treatment fast. She treated us quick then knocked me out... Good thin' too. I hate confined spaces. " Don't r'member much of it all. Only somethin' 'bout a chamber for stoppin' the radiation and healin' us up."

The anti radiation tanks removing the damage and the radiation.

"Not long after wakin' up I hear Lily sayin' she and the cub were headed out for Al Raqis. I wanted some answers to what near killed me and Catherine. Only way was to get my own self out to that desert world and find out what all she was doin'." Finally had to go outside into the oven... The heat was gorram bad. Could feel the sweat porin' off me, "So there I was...... Tryin' to locate Lily and the cub.. Went door to door to see if they seen either one of em. Finally met up with some woman and a feller and asked em. Sure 'nough... They knew Lily. Said she was out by some rocky terrain in a tent."

Door to door lookin' for Lily and the Cub...

"I found Lily.... She was goin' on 'bout sendin' AuroraBlue out to find the singin' worms.... Figures. Send the little one out to find a worm that can eat a firefly class ship in one bite." Squintin' against the blinding light, had to try to find a shadowed spot to ease the headache, "She was talkin' 'bout this new feller too. Krakken someone. And wearin' a weddin' dress. Like the one she was gonna wear for our weddin'...... She wasn't actin' right... Somethin' 'bout her was seemin' different. Maybe it was her scent... Changed... Like from a long while back... But ain't sure." Rubbin' my eyes, had to sit for a spell out on the steps. "She got all worked up over somethin' when we got to the steps of the house nearby... Her eyes were bleedin'. A lot not like her... And it was real blood. I could tell by the scent. She was changin' again..... But this time I think someone was manipulatin' it.... Or the radiation really humped her insides bad."

"Had to leave her there and go lookin' for AuroraBlue. She'd know what all was goin' on. "Sides, needed to know she was ok. So grabbin' some stuff form the ship, I headed out into the desert...... Ended up stealin' a horse to keep movin'. Days on end and all I saw was red sand. Had to put on a mask to keep from breathin' in all that dust.... And spice." Could hear movements again, so went inside, "Gorram stuff makes my head buzz.... Then I get all sick from it. Not sure why all it does it to me, but the stuff is bad. Headin' further out into the deep desert I finally come 'cross the Botany Bay township.. Not sure if it's a town or city. But went lookin' through some of the buildin's.... And found a morgue. Looks like they were checkin' em for organs.... or the lack of. Not sure if this has anythin' to do with the organ thefts... But then who all knows for sure...."

The Morgue...
"Kept searchin' for her... I could almost sense she was not far, but then wasn't sure it was the spice or the desert muddlin' up my senses. Had to keep movin' though. Not sure how many days went by where I was ridin' then walkin' when the horse went missin' durin' the night. Sounds carry out there. even with nothin' but high mountains of stone and hills of shiftin' hot sands. The heat's like bein' baked all over at once.... Can make a man see thin's that ain't real. More'n once I coulda sworn I saw AuroraBlue right there next to me. Touchin' my face then fadin' away into the heat waves along the dunes."

The deep desert..... Where is she?

"Next thin' I know, I'm bein' shot at me sentinels.... Then wakin' up in someones home. Lily was sayin' somethin' and I could hear explosions... Calina was there with another companion. Both lookin' a might worried. Got my own self movin' and leadin' the women up to a room with a few bolt holes. Lily told me to stay with em and protect em. I did.... Wasn't goin' to argue with her.. Wasn't strong 'nough to yet." Drawin' my gun, wen tot check out the noises I was hearin' "We had to wait it out. Cindal, that girl what caused so much trouble in the past showed up and helped secure the place. Thats when I got to meet the lady of the house.... Lady Rashad. She had each of give our side of the story... Seems I done good. She let me stay the night then offered me a temp postin' to watch the folks in that house. I'll take it 'til I can find AuroraBlue...."